Sep 13, 2007

A sanskrit lesson or where a park discussion can lead to

I was some days ago in park with a female friend who asked me to translate a phrase in sanskrit. The phrase was : "I like the way I am when I'm with you".
My first solution was: yathā tvayaa saheva tṛpyāmi, folowed in short time by: yathā tvayā sahāsmīva tṛpyāmi. I was not too confident with it, so I asked Peter to help me. He explained me that the usage of iva with a verb means "seems like...".
His first try was yathāham asmi tvayā saha, tad rocayati mām, that means "It makes me happy the way I am when I'm with you". This was almost ok, but I was not verry sure about it, so I tried to use "iti": yathāham tvayā sahāsmīti.... The use of iti makes yathā loose its modal meaning so we dropped it. So today we came to the final form: yathā tvayā sahāsmi, tad rocayati mām.

Now I let you guess what the next phrase means.
ahaṃ tvayā saha rantum icchāmi.

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