Oct 23, 2009

Spoken Sanskrit resources

This post, at Elisa's suggestion, is about resources on spoken Sanskrit. Since in order to speak in Sanskrit you need at least an dialog partner if not a whole environment (friends, family) speaking this language, a surrogate would be just to listen (and trying to understand) other speaking. For this purpose there are several resources around the net.

On now famous sanskritdocuments.org website, one can find radio news in Sanskrit on an about two day basis. Another resource which I enjoyed very much is the 1983 movie Adi Shankaracharya by G.V. Iyer now available on google video. See bellow.

On Sri Aurobindo's ashram website are also available some audio and video files with spoken Sanskrit.

Ādi Śaṅkarācārya


A. B. said...

I tried to order that movie about Shankara on amazon thinking it would be nice to try and do some listening comprehension and all I got was a book on Vedanta philosophy:) Must have gotten it wrong.

AC said...

That is nice! I hope it wasn't too expensive.

You can watch the movie on internet though.

elisa freschi said...

Great, Adrian, thanks a lot! I watched the movie some eight years ago (and only understood a few words of it) and I will be very happy to watch it again now and check whether my Sanskrit listening comprehension has improved.
Thank you also for the post. I agree with you, spoken Sanskrit (just like any other language) requires partners and internet may be an alternative in case there is no one available.