Oct 18, 2018

Openlibrary and Max Müller

It's been a long time since my last post here. A really long time :)

As it happens some things never leave ones mind. So it is for me with sanskrit.

Looking for the famous Hitopadeśa in a bilingual edition I stumbled upon
The first book of the Hitopadeśa containing the Sanskrit text, with interlinear transliteration, grammatical analysis, and English translation edited by Max Müller
The first book of the Hitopadeśa

"The first book of the Hitopadeśa containing the Sanskrit text, with interlinear transliteration, grammatical analysis, and English translation edited by Max Müller"

Now seeing that there is a first book, I looked after the rest of them and I found the Max Muller page on openlibrary.

Enjoy the writings of this amazing scholar!

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