Feb 6, 2008

Coulson reloaded

Couple of days ago I was planning to set aside [for awhile] the Coulson's "Teach yourself...", when a friend came and forced me to a second though. Here is one of the exercises from Coulson "reloaded":

Cap. 13
Relative adverbs continued

bakula-māle upakāriṇy asi, yataḥ svāgataṃ bhavatyāḥ

bakula-māle=V.sg. from bakula-mālā = bakula garland
upakāriṇy = upakāriṇi = V.sg. from upakāriṇī=ally, friend
asi=II sg. pres. from as=you are
yataḥ = adv. rel. for which reason
svāgataṃ = su-āgataṃ=
bhavatyāḥ =
G.sg. from bhavatī= of You

Bakula garland, you are [my] friend, that's why I welcome you!

Pretty simple isn't it?
Not for me. At a first try I got upakāriṇy as locative of upakārin which makes no sense for me. Beside this, is pretty strange that someone is talking to a garland. :D

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