Jun 15, 2008

Yonimudrā part I

A few days ago I came upon a very strange "yogic practice". It was called Yonimudrā - The tantric variant (for romanian readers: pag 1, pag 2) and, in fact, is just a bit of lesbian action.

Again now, a friend of mine posted to his blog a fragment from Vāmakeśvarīmata(Romanian language again, sorry) that is mentioning yonimudrā. All these events gave me the idea to start a study on the this mudrā around the texts available to me.

So, I started with the description in Vāmakeśvarīmata :

madhyame kuṭile kṛtvā tarjanyuparisaṃsthite || 3.26 ||

anāmikāmadhyagate tathaiva hi kaniṣṭhike |

sarvā ekatra saṃyojyā aṅguṣṭhaparipīḍitāḥ || 3.27 ||

eṣā tu prathamā mudrā yonimudreti saṃsmṛtā |

The two middle [fingers] doing bendings, the forefingers standing above
the ring and middle fingers [and] exactly so the little ones,
all directed/joined in a single place [and] the thumbs pressed above.

This is the prescription of the chief mudrā, yonimudrā.

So 'till now, no lesbian action. I'll keep reading. Here is the list of texts that I found are mentioning yonimudrā:

Śivasaṃhitā, Śāradātilakam, Yoginīhṛdayam, Kubjikāmatatantra, Bṛhattantrasāra, Kaṅkālamālinītantram, Varivasyārahasya, Prāṇatoṣiṇī, Tantrasadbhāva, Śrītattvacintāmaṇi, Puraścaryārṇavaḥ, Dīkṣāprakāśaḥ, Śāradātilakam, Rudrayamala tantra, Ānandatantram, Kulārṇavatantram, Picumatatantram, Vīṇāśikhatantra, Kularatnoddyota, Viśvasāratantram, Kubjikātantram, Kāmakalāvilāsa, Īśānaśivagurudeva, Svacchandatantra, Puraścaryārṇavaḥ, Tārārahasyam, Dhyānabindūpaniṣat, Kulapradīpa, Jñānārṇavatantram, haṭha-yoga-pradīpikā, gheraṇḍasaṃhitā.

I hope my enthusiasm will not die too soon!